Stir It Up!
by Ramin Ganeshram
Reviewed by: Kathryn S.
Rating: 5 (Amazing)
Anjali Krishnan always wanted to be on Super Chef Kids. When she has the chance, she must decide whether to follow her parents rules by going to take the Stuyvesant test or to follow her dreams as becoming a chef with her own television show.
I didn't expect the surprise ending because i thought it was going to be different. My favorite part was when Linc. and Anjali were making the presentation video. I didn't like that nobody believed that Anjali couldn't finish what she started. Another thing i liked were the Trinidadian cooking recipes. The last thing i ilked was that Ramin Ganeshram described Anjali as a very unique character.
I would recommend this to anybody over the ages of 10 because it is a quick read and people will enjoy this book!