Series of Unfortunate Events: The Austere Academy
by Lemony Snicket
Reviewed by: Rebecca O.
Rating: 5 (Amazing)
The book was about three orphans who go to a school to try to be protected from their arch enemy. Unfortunately, their arch enemy disguises himself as a gym coach and puts the children through misery.
The book was fantastic! I loved the adventure and mystery part about the book. The whole book is filled with action and I can guarantee you will never get bored! This book is entertaining all the way trough! I love how Lemony Snicket always uses difficult vocabulary but then explains what it means. It helps the reader learn better vocabulary and understand the book more. The way the characters think fascinates me and their interests also surprise me!
I would recommend this book to my friend Marisa! She loves adventure and she is one that will think like the oldest Baudelaire, Violet. She is always coming up with new ideas to solve problems! she has a very clever brain and always sees things differently!