Thursday, August 29, 2013

Public Enemy #2 by Anthony Horowitz

Public Enemy #2 by Anthony Horowitz
Reviewed by: Mashkur Z.

Rating: 5 (Amazing)

Nick becomes framed and is put in prison for stealing a diamond that someone put in his pocket. His older brother Herbert A.K.A Tim is the worst private detective in the world must find a way to get him out of prison.

I like how there was action on every page. I don't like how a most wanted kid prisoner named Johnny almost drowns Nick. I don't think there is anything that makes this book unique. The thing that stands out in the book is how Nick blows up the secret hideout of Johnny. I don't have a favorite quote. Yes, this book is like the other books I've read by Anthony Horowitz.

Yes, I would recommend this book to one of my friends.